
Member Admission

New members shall meet the following requirements:

  • Be proposed by full or life members of the club.
  • A person applying for admission as a member shall first be introduced as a guest by a full (who has been a member for at least two years) or life member.
  • If such a person develops interest in joining the club, his or her proposer shall write an introduction letter to the membership secretary who shall give out the necessary application forms to be completed by the applicant.
  • The proposer shall seek a seconder for his or her nominee.
  • The proposer shall introduce the applicant to as many members of the committee as possible and at least 8 of them shall enter an endorsement in the application form.
  • The applicant shall submit a duly completed form together with a cheque/EFT of the prevailing membership fee.

Membership Packages

*Entrance Fees
Family Package Membership: Kshs 600,000
Single Package Membership: Kshs 450,000
Reciprocating Membership: KShs 420,000
Corporate Membership: Kshs 400,000

*Subscription Fees
Family Package: KShs 24,500
Single Package: Kshs 15,400
Away Member: Kshs 6,160

*Green Fees
Competition Fees: Kshs 800
Clergy Golf Day (Non-Members): Kshs 400

*Range Fees
Access to the Range(non-members): Kshs 800
Balls (Price per Golf Ball @25/50/100) Kshs 3.00

*Daily Membership Fees
Green Fees Weekend & Public Holidays (with a member): Kshs 4,000
Green Fees Weekend & Public Holidays (without a member): Kshs 5,000
Green Fees Weekday (with a member): Kshs 3,000
Green Fees Weekday (without a member): Kshs 4,000

Member Classes

Members in this class are duly elected as such under regulation 5 and are not in arrears with Annual Subscription. They enjoy all the privileges of the club and are eligible to vote at any General Meeting. They can be elected to the Executive Committee or sub-committees of the Club.    

A Family Membership is that of a legal husband and wife (or wives) and legal children under age of twenty [20] years.

Junior Members shall be Children of Full and Life Members, who have attained the age of 16 years but have not attained the age of 24 years. They shall be elected in the same way as full members and shall be, on election, be entitled to use the club facility on payment of such annual subscription and fees as shall be decided from time to time by the Executive Committee.

A Junior Member who attains the age of twenty four [24] years before becoming a full member and, wishes to be a Full Member, will pay the prevailing Subscription fees.

An Annual General Meeting may admit on nomination by the Executive Committee, Senior Members who shall not be less than 65 years of age and who have in the opinion of the members, rendered exemplary and meritorious service to the club and who shall have been members for NOT less than 25 consecutive years.

Life/Senior Members have all the rights and privileges of a Full Member save that he or she shall not pay any Annual Subscription Fee but shall pay all appropriate Games fees.

Anyone paying green fees automatically becomes a temporary member and is entitled to use the facilities of the club for that day.

The Executive committee may elect a person as an Honorary Member for one year who may have by reason of his or her office in the Sub-County, rendered to the Club honorary service or has general interest in the club and its members.

For the sole purpose of developing talent in any sport played at the Club, The Management Committee may admit such a person into Club Membership of the club and waive membership fees payable.

Members of Clubs with similar aims and aspirations under special arrangements with their mother clubs shall be allowed to use the Club facilities but within the agreed reciprocal terms. A reciprocating member MUST sign the specified reciprocating book.

A corporate member is any registered institution and pays the prescribed membership fees for its employees. It may from time to time vary the holder of its membership by returning the member’s card and are issued with a new card.

An Absentee Member shall be a former Full Member of the club who resides 100km from the Club and who has been elected as such by the Management Committee. Such a member pays Annual and Games Subscription fees as shall be decided from time to time. An Absentee Member shall have no voting rights at any of the meetings nor be eligible for election to any committee but shall have all other benefits of a Full Member.

A non-resident member is one who resides outside Kenya but frequently visits the country. He/she shall pay such entrance and annual subscription as may be determined by the Executive Committee but the entrance and subscription fee shall not be less than that of a full Member.

There shall be student membership of a person of over 21 years of age whose parents are members of the Club of either Full Member or Life Member. He or she should be a full time student in a recognized University or a tertiary College or any other institution of learning recognized by the Executive Committee. On ceasing to be a student under full time tuition a member hitherto a student member shall be eligible to become a Full Member by paying the applicable annual fees subject to the offer being taken within one year after ceasing to be a student

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